Sadly, things remain in flux around the globe. Situations may yet become more dire for some of us before we're allowed to get together in person again.
In recognition of the seemingly-insurmountable odds ahead of humanity, I'd like to extend a personal invitation:
If you are facing a wall and need help -- whether it's info on a local food pantry, or a small financial boost, or just a place to vent -- please feel free to reach out to me.
Comment here. PM me on FB. Email me. DM me on Twitter. Whatever you're comfortable with. If I don't have the answer, I'll look for it. Even if I can't give physically, I can put out a word.
The Tribe has been there for me since 2013. I clung to DCC (and the G+ community) like a damn lifeline during so much turmoil. The group on FB has made me proud to be a continued member this year. I feel it's important to give back, even if it's just to listen and grant you a point or two of fleeting Luck.
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