Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The Emerald Enchanter (conclusion) ~ 03.16.14

[Editorial note: Cleaning out the pending drafts and posting with bare-bones basics. This way the players can at least skim through and remember which ones their various PCs took part in.]
Conclusion Cast:
Bjorn Berber: Dwarf/3
Eridan: Wizard/2 (+ Pyralspite, familiar)
Toad: Thief/3
Bash the Mighty: Warrior/2
James the Warrior/3
Jhordak: Thief/1
Amariah: Wizard/1
Krum: Dwarf/1
Remus: Cleric/2
Zhalen: Rice Farmer/0
Valmyr: Guild Beggar/0

Most memorable event:
Mucking around in the laboratory results in the faces of James, Eridan, and two others being turned red permanently.

The Emerald Enchanter - Joseph Goodman / Goodman Games

Post-adventure math
Bjorn: +16 XP, +1 Luck
Eridan: +16 XP, +1 Luck
James: +16 XP, +1 Luck
Remus: +16 XP, +1 Luck
Toad: +16 XP, +1 Luck
Bash: +16 XP, +1 Luck
Jhordak: +16 XP, +1 Luck
Amariah: +16 XP, +1 Luck
+16 XP, +1 Luck
Zhalen: +16 XP, +1 Luck
Valmyr: +16 XP, +1 Luck

PARTY LOOT: potion of Levitate  / potion of Spiderclimb / 5 iron cubes / 1 silver cube (30 SP) / 1 gold cube (30 GP) / spellbook / padded armor / +2 ring of protection 

Eridan: scrolls: Sleep / Spider Web / Magic Shield / Ray of Enfeeblement
Eridan: wooden kitchen spoon
Eridan: 5 unlabeled potions
Eridan: wizard staff
Bash: 2 unlabeled potions
Toad: 5 unlabeled potions
Jhordak: shovel

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